Sunday, November 7, 2010

"Sentinel II" - Penaris Neighborhood, Costa Rica

Click on image to enlarge.

Another raucous Great-tailed Grackle. Their “sound” can stop you in your tracks. On a walk through the jungle this summer one captured our attention with a clear bell-like note. On my morning walks another captivates me continuously by carrying on a throaty dialog punctuated by screeches and bell tones. I keep thinking if I just listen more closely, I'll understand its Spanish.

#49   5" x 7"  acrylic/mixed media on archival Masonite board     $50

Friday, November 5, 2010

"Sentinel I" - Penaris Neighborhood, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.
There aren't any crows in Costa Rica. Instead, there are birds that occupy similar niches (Brown Jays and Great-tailed Grackles). The Great-tailed Grackle has a variety of very loud noises, squeakes, calls that they make. This large, noisy bird has become amazingly adapted to living with people. A scavenger and opportunist in urban environments they seem to be right at home as they forage on city streets. - Information from "Costa Rica Living and Birding" by Pat O'Donnell

#48   5" x 7" acrylic/mixed media on archival Masonite board     $50

Thursday, November 4, 2010

"Green Pear" - Curridabat, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

The universal appeal of a pear is no less appealing in Costa Rica than elsewhere. I have seen native pears to Central America. They are small and green and "appear" to be hard. They have been bypassed for the larger imported variety that I know promises a hand-held physical delight and a sweet-tasting oral delight.

#47  5" x 7" acrylic on archival Masonite board     $50

Friday, October 29, 2010

"Street Find" - Penaris Neighborhood, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

On my morning walk I spied a not-to-be-ignored piece of flattened metal. The colors and square shape were too much to pass up. I brought it home working it into a collage echoing the naturally developed patina in the metal and scruffy paint. In retrospect I see I've included a number of things that express my personal self: the passage of time, the capturing of ideas via the string, the mechanics of machinery and the fantasy of films thus the Detroit Film Theater parking voucher. The street guards are getting used to seeing the “Gringo” poking things with her shoe and picking up finds from the street.

#46    6" x 6"  mixed media on archival Masonite board.     $60

"Cloud Forest in Moonlight" - Monte Verde, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

Some of Bill's family reside in the “cloud forest” area called Monte Verde. This view is from Linda and Larry's terrace looking toward the Pacific. They are located on the continental divide and on a clear day can see both the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans from their property. Larry has an organic garden. In addition to his wonderful veggies he has planted scores of indigenous trees and flowers.

#45  5" x 7"  acrylic on archival Masonite board.     $60

Monday, October 25, 2010

"Torrialba en Cartago" - Cartago, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

The scene is of the distant mountains from a similar mountain. This is the second painting of the same area. Perhaps I like it so much because the view is typical when leaving the Central Valley where we live and traversing north, south, east or west. Travel anywhere is uphill and down vale or switchbacks on two-lane frequently unpaved mountain roads, sometimes scary, sometimes exciting but always interesting.
#44     5" x 7"  acrylic on archival Masonite board     $60

Saturday, October 23, 2010

"Fishing Boat Along the Caribbean" - Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

This heavy wooden boat is the type used by local fishermen along the southern Atlantic/Caribbean shore. The bright blue paint makes a lovely splash of color in the shade of overhanging trees. Puerto Viejo is a sleepy little scruffy town inhabited by Rastafarians who have settled here to enjoy the laid back life of ganja, Bob Marley and the slow swing of hammocks.  8" x 10" acrylic on archival Masonite board.

#43     8" x 10" acrylic on archival Masonite board     $125

Thursday, October 21, 2010

"Monte Verde" - Monte Verde, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

Monte Verde is one of the most beautiful and lush places on earth. Daily year round temperatures range between 65 – 85 F. The hills are a continuous visual delight and support varieties of trees, shrubs and every changing wild flowers.

#42     8" x 10" acrylic on archival Masonite board               $125

Monday, July 19, 2010

"Dream Time" - Barrio Mexico, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

This is a copy of a life-size dug-out canoe painted by the Columbian artist, Benjamin Jacanamijoy Tisoy, and in his show, "Pensadores de Tierra  y Agua," [Thinking Of Earth and Water] at the Museo de Ninos during June 2010. His work is very colorful and has the same magical feel as the Spanish film, "La Science des Reves." I love Senor Tisoy's art work and I loved the film . . . I just had to paint this image.

#41     5" x  7" acrylic on archival Masonite board      $60

Thursday, July 15, 2010

"Museo Nacional" - San Jose, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

The National Museum is housed in this converted barracks of the Bellavista Fortress which still shows the bullet scars of battle from the 1948 civil war. A most significant fact connected with this building is that after the civil war, the political leaders resolved to disband the military. Sixty-two years later Costa Rica still enjoys a Democratic Republic form of government with no military.

#40     5"  x  7"   acrylic on archival linen canvas     $60

Monday, July 12, 2010

"The Deep Blue" - Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

The Pacific Ocean holds a continuous fascination for me. The colors of the water can change from gray white to deepest blue. This scene appealed to me because of the blue and rusty pipes in such close proximity to the blue of the water and of the sky. This is the location of the car ferry to the Nicoya Peninsula.

#39     5"  x  7"     acrylic on archival Masonite board    SOLD

Thursday, July 8, 2010

"Luna Sobre Casa Blanca" - Curridabat, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

I arrived in Costa Rica in October 2009 and was feeling disoriented without friends or family, without language or recognizable surroundings. I felt grounded in the familiarity of the moon and the constellations and so captured this dramatic scene outside our condo one star encrusted night. It was a wonderful challenge to capture the various shades of blue and soft yellow on the outside surfaces.

#38     5"  x  7"     acrylic on archival Masonite board     $60

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

"Musical Afternoon" - Curridabat, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

One of several musicians that participated in a musical afternoon at Jette and Emirhan's. I really liked the challenge of combining the hard surface of the guitar, the soft folds of fabric and the tautness of the skin.

#37     5"  x  7"    acrylic on archival linen canvas     $60

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"Amor de Mar" - Nicoya Peninsula, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

This Pacific ocean location is truly what one can call paradise. I fell into a trance with its beauty and soft caressing  breezes. It is the home of many ex-pat artists from around the world, but particularly Germany. Day or night, this area will cast its magical spell.

#36     5"  x  7"     acrylic on archival Masonite board     SOLD

Friday, June 18, 2010

"Dawn on the Caribbean" - Manzanillo, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

Manzanillo is located outh of the Panamanian border in Costa Rica. It indulges in a Caribbean life-style wherein Reggae music, beach attire and a slower place to life is enjoyed. The Atlantic ocean is rough here with strong currents and occasional rip-tides. The beaches are smaller and more intimate because the jungle growth comes close to the shore. 

#35     5" x 7"   acrylic on archival linen canvas     SOLD

"Bananos Pequenos" - Tres Rios, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

There are at least three kinds of bananas in Costa Rica. The largest are Plantains, the next size are the regular kind found in most grocery stores around the world. The ones I've painted are the smallest. They are by far the best. They are sweet, have a very think skin, more compact flesh and are a perfect snack size. Needlesstosay, their coloring is rich in rust, yellows, and pale greens.

#34     5" x 7" acrylic on archival Masonite board      SOLD

"Fresas" - Tres Rios, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

Local farmers sell strawberries on the street during in-season which runs from December through April. Three pints for 1,000 colones [$2}. They are perfect in their red sweetness.

#32     5 x 7    acrylic on archival linen canvas     SOLD

"Granadilla" - Curridabat, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

Another discovery in the fruit world. The Granadilla has a thin but very hard shell that opens only with much effort. The fruit scent is fresh, not too sweet and is used in juices. The appeal to me is the lovely oval shape and rich color.

#33     5" x 7"     acrylic on archival linen canvas   SOLD

"Hydrangeas" - Curridabat, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view

The colors, the petals, the flowers all combine to create an irresistible show of beauty. Their caretaker, our friend Eugenia,  is a Master Bonsai gardener plus a photographer and graphic artist. Bill & I are lucky to enjoy her wondrous garden that displays both flowers and several dozen Bonsai.

31     5 x 7    acrylic on archival Masonite board    SOLD

"Hacienda en Pinares" - Curridabat, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

We saw this large hacienda early one week-end morning. The view from the top of the hill allowed me a peek inside  for a good view for a painting. There are a number of homes such as this one outside the central city of San Jose. Many of these estates have been built on former coffee plantations.

#30    5" x 7" acrylic on archival linen canvas       SOLD

Monday, June 7, 2010

"Our Beautiful Pacific" - Manual Antonio, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

The beaches in Costa Rica are truly magnificent. A lot of them are part of the National Park system and although toured by many visitors from around the world, they are kept in pristine condition. Coming from Michigan, I am accustomed to the beauty of the Great Lakes which also resemble ocean shores. The beaches in Costa Rica are as glorious.

29     5" x 7" acrylic on archival linen canvas   SOLD

Sunday, May 30, 2010

"Merica" - San Jose, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

This painting is a close copy of a piece of sheet metal found in a junk yard. The interesting thing about it is that the lettering has been free form without use of stencil. It was fun trying to copy.

#28  5" x 7" acrylic on archival linen canvas    SOLD

Thursday, May 27, 2010

"On The Job" - San Jose, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

These stunning numbers were attached to a dynamite pair of legs. Last seen in the Budget-Rent-A-Car near the San Jose, Costa Rica airport on Sunday, March 21, 6 p.m.

#27     5 x 7 acrylic on archival Masonite board          SOLD

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"Croc-a-gator" - Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view

This is a bit of an imaginative image of the Crocodiles located in the Rio Grande de Tarcoles. They appear to grow up to 12 feet long, as judged from a safe distance atop a bridge, are usually covered in mud and do not seem inclined to move much.

#26     5 x 7 acrylic archival linen canvas            $60

"Tomato" - Tres Rios, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger  view

Tomatoes are grown by farmers in the countryside and brought to the city Sunday mornings for sale at the local outdoor market called Zapote. These are tomatoes like the ones we had as kids. They have an earthy smell and are still warm when purchased from basking in the tropical sun.

#25     5 x 7 acrylic on archival Masonite board               $50

"Dos Chayotes" - Tres Rios, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view

I loved their bright green color and especially their unique shape. This is a rather comical looking vegetable and thus inspired me to make further drawings. This veggie can be chopped, steamed or stir-fried, and mixed with corn, peppers, onions and garlic for a delicious succotash.

#24     5 x 7 acrylic on archival Masonite board              SOLD

"Antiquated Housing" - San Jose, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view

This is very old housing that will soon be demolished. The lack of ventilation and light are considered unhealthy. Really? Nonetheless, the former inhabitants found pleasure in painting their homes bright colors.

#23     5 x 7 acrylic on archival Masonite board              SOLD

"Mountain Road" - Cartago, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view

This country is all mountainous except for the central valley in which is located the capital, San Jose, at 3500 feet above sea level. The views from the mountain roads are beautiful and breathtaking, but can also be dangerous for drivers. Most roads are two-lanes and support 18 wheel trucks. If a drop-off is particularly steep, wood stumps and wire are sometimes constructed as a visual warning.

#22     5 x 7 acrylic on archival Masonite board               $50

"Casa Verde" - San Jose, Costa Rica


This is another version of an older home in Costa Rica. It is now more common to build houses of cement brick with a smooth cement plaster surface and a coat of paint. The newer construction seems to be moving away from primary colors to earth tones or white.

#21     5"  x  7"   acrylic on archival Masonite board               $50

"Casa Amarillo" - San Jose, Costa Rica

This is one of the older homes in Costa Rica. It is wood construction. Homes are frequently painted bright colors. Notice the lack of chimney. The temperatures are so agreeable in this country that furnaces and most often air conditioners are unnecessary.

#20    5"  x  7" acrylic on archival Masonite board              SOLD

"The Hood" - Curridabat, Costa Rica

This is a painting of a typical home in our neighborhood. The painting represents the peacefulness of Semana Santa [Holy Week], the week prior to Easter Sunday. This week is considered holiday time and the majority of the residents head to the beach.

#19     5"  x  7"   acrylic on archival Masonite board               $50

"The Beautiful Pacific" - Manual Antonio, Costa Rica

The beaches in Costa Rica are incredibly clean and beautiful. The sand is almost white and very hot being 9 degrees from the Equator. Thankfully there is shade along the edge before the jungle and wildlife take over.

#18     5"  x  7"   acrylic on archival Masonite board               SOLD

"Dos Mangos Dulces II" - Curridabat, Costa Rica

A second painting of those deliciously sweet set of mangoes. They have since been incorporated into a smoothie with frozen bananas.

#17     5"  x  7"    H2O oil on archival linen canvas               $50