Friday, October 29, 2010

"Street Find" - Penaris Neighborhood, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

On my morning walk I spied a not-to-be-ignored piece of flattened metal. The colors and square shape were too much to pass up. I brought it home working it into a collage echoing the naturally developed patina in the metal and scruffy paint. In retrospect I see I've included a number of things that express my personal self: the passage of time, the capturing of ideas via the string, the mechanics of machinery and the fantasy of films thus the Detroit Film Theater parking voucher. The street guards are getting used to seeing the “Gringo” poking things with her shoe and picking up finds from the street.

#46    6" x 6"  mixed media on archival Masonite board.     $60

"Cloud Forest in Moonlight" - Monte Verde, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

Some of Bill's family reside in the “cloud forest” area called Monte Verde. This view is from Linda and Larry's terrace looking toward the Pacific. They are located on the continental divide and on a clear day can see both the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans from their property. Larry has an organic garden. In addition to his wonderful veggies he has planted scores of indigenous trees and flowers.

#45  5" x 7"  acrylic on archival Masonite board.     $60

Monday, October 25, 2010

"Torrialba en Cartago" - Cartago, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

The scene is of the distant mountains from a similar mountain. This is the second painting of the same area. Perhaps I like it so much because the view is typical when leaving the Central Valley where we live and traversing north, south, east or west. Travel anywhere is uphill and down vale or switchbacks on two-lane frequently unpaved mountain roads, sometimes scary, sometimes exciting but always interesting.
#44     5" x 7"  acrylic on archival Masonite board     $60

Saturday, October 23, 2010

"Fishing Boat Along the Caribbean" - Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

This heavy wooden boat is the type used by local fishermen along the southern Atlantic/Caribbean shore. The bright blue paint makes a lovely splash of color in the shade of overhanging trees. Puerto Viejo is a sleepy little scruffy town inhabited by Rastafarians who have settled here to enjoy the laid back life of ganja, Bob Marley and the slow swing of hammocks.  8" x 10" acrylic on archival Masonite board.

#43     8" x 10" acrylic on archival Masonite board     $125

Thursday, October 21, 2010

"Monte Verde" - Monte Verde, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

Monte Verde is one of the most beautiful and lush places on earth. Daily year round temperatures range between 65 – 85 F. The hills are a continuous visual delight and support varieties of trees, shrubs and every changing wild flowers.

#42     8" x 10" acrylic on archival Masonite board               $125