Monday, July 19, 2010

"Dream Time" - Barrio Mexico, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

This is a copy of a life-size dug-out canoe painted by the Columbian artist, Benjamin Jacanamijoy Tisoy, and in his show, "Pensadores de Tierra  y Agua," [Thinking Of Earth and Water] at the Museo de Ninos during June 2010. His work is very colorful and has the same magical feel as the Spanish film, "La Science des Reves." I love Senor Tisoy's art work and I loved the film . . . I just had to paint this image.

#41     5" x  7" acrylic on archival Masonite board      $60

Thursday, July 15, 2010

"Museo Nacional" - San Jose, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

The National Museum is housed in this converted barracks of the Bellavista Fortress which still shows the bullet scars of battle from the 1948 civil war. A most significant fact connected with this building is that after the civil war, the political leaders resolved to disband the military. Sixty-two years later Costa Rica still enjoys a Democratic Republic form of government with no military.

#40     5"  x  7"   acrylic on archival linen canvas     $60

Monday, July 12, 2010

"The Deep Blue" - Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

The Pacific Ocean holds a continuous fascination for me. The colors of the water can change from gray white to deepest blue. This scene appealed to me because of the blue and rusty pipes in such close proximity to the blue of the water and of the sky. This is the location of the car ferry to the Nicoya Peninsula.

#39     5"  x  7"     acrylic on archival Masonite board    SOLD

Thursday, July 8, 2010

"Luna Sobre Casa Blanca" - Curridabat, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

I arrived in Costa Rica in October 2009 and was feeling disoriented without friends or family, without language or recognizable surroundings. I felt grounded in the familiarity of the moon and the constellations and so captured this dramatic scene outside our condo one star encrusted night. It was a wonderful challenge to capture the various shades of blue and soft yellow on the outside surfaces.

#38     5"  x  7"     acrylic on archival Masonite board     $60

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

"Musical Afternoon" - Curridabat, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

One of several musicians that participated in a musical afternoon at Jette and Emirhan's. I really liked the challenge of combining the hard surface of the guitar, the soft folds of fabric and the tautness of the skin.

#37     5"  x  7"    acrylic on archival linen canvas     $60

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"Amor de Mar" - Nicoya Peninsula, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

This Pacific ocean location is truly what one can call paradise. I fell into a trance with its beauty and soft caressing  breezes. It is the home of many ex-pat artists from around the world, but particularly Germany. Day or night, this area will cast its magical spell.

#36     5"  x  7"     acrylic on archival Masonite board     SOLD