Sunday, May 30, 2010

"Merica" - San Jose, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

This painting is a close copy of a piece of sheet metal found in a junk yard. The interesting thing about it is that the lettering has been free form without use of stencil. It was fun trying to copy.

#28  5" x 7" acrylic on archival linen canvas    SOLD

Thursday, May 27, 2010

"On The Job" - San Jose, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view.

These stunning numbers were attached to a dynamite pair of legs. Last seen in the Budget-Rent-A-Car near the San Jose, Costa Rica airport on Sunday, March 21, 6 p.m.

#27     5 x 7 acrylic on archival Masonite board          SOLD

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"Croc-a-gator" - Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view

This is a bit of an imaginative image of the Crocodiles located in the Rio Grande de Tarcoles. They appear to grow up to 12 feet long, as judged from a safe distance atop a bridge, are usually covered in mud and do not seem inclined to move much.

#26     5 x 7 acrylic archival linen canvas            $60

"Tomato" - Tres Rios, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger  view

Tomatoes are grown by farmers in the countryside and brought to the city Sunday mornings for sale at the local outdoor market called Zapote. These are tomatoes like the ones we had as kids. They have an earthy smell and are still warm when purchased from basking in the tropical sun.

#25     5 x 7 acrylic on archival Masonite board               $50

"Dos Chayotes" - Tres Rios, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view

I loved their bright green color and especially their unique shape. This is a rather comical looking vegetable and thus inspired me to make further drawings. This veggie can be chopped, steamed or stir-fried, and mixed with corn, peppers, onions and garlic for a delicious succotash.

#24     5 x 7 acrylic on archival Masonite board              SOLD

"Antiquated Housing" - San Jose, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view

This is very old housing that will soon be demolished. The lack of ventilation and light are considered unhealthy. Really? Nonetheless, the former inhabitants found pleasure in painting their homes bright colors.

#23     5 x 7 acrylic on archival Masonite board              SOLD

"Mountain Road" - Cartago, Costa Rica

Click on image for larger view

This country is all mountainous except for the central valley in which is located the capital, San Jose, at 3500 feet above sea level. The views from the mountain roads are beautiful and breathtaking, but can also be dangerous for drivers. Most roads are two-lanes and support 18 wheel trucks. If a drop-off is particularly steep, wood stumps and wire are sometimes constructed as a visual warning.

#22     5 x 7 acrylic on archival Masonite board               $50

"Casa Verde" - San Jose, Costa Rica


This is another version of an older home in Costa Rica. It is now more common to build houses of cement brick with a smooth cement plaster surface and a coat of paint. The newer construction seems to be moving away from primary colors to earth tones or white.

#21     5"  x  7"   acrylic on archival Masonite board               $50

"Casa Amarillo" - San Jose, Costa Rica

This is one of the older homes in Costa Rica. It is wood construction. Homes are frequently painted bright colors. Notice the lack of chimney. The temperatures are so agreeable in this country that furnaces and most often air conditioners are unnecessary.

#20    5"  x  7" acrylic on archival Masonite board              SOLD

"The Hood" - Curridabat, Costa Rica

This is a painting of a typical home in our neighborhood. The painting represents the peacefulness of Semana Santa [Holy Week], the week prior to Easter Sunday. This week is considered holiday time and the majority of the residents head to the beach.

#19     5"  x  7"   acrylic on archival Masonite board               $50

"The Beautiful Pacific" - Manual Antonio, Costa Rica

The beaches in Costa Rica are incredibly clean and beautiful. The sand is almost white and very hot being 9 degrees from the Equator. Thankfully there is shade along the edge before the jungle and wildlife take over.

#18     5"  x  7"   acrylic on archival Masonite board               SOLD

"Dos Mangos Dulces II" - Curridabat, Costa Rica

A second painting of those deliciously sweet set of mangoes. They have since been incorporated into a smoothie with frozen bananas.

#17     5"  x  7"    H2O oil on archival linen canvas               $50

"Nature Air" - Manual Antonio, Costa Rica

Nature Air and Taca airlines both fly short hops within the country making a four hour car trip a faster, easier ride from all parts of Costa Rica to one of the two major airports located here. Not only that, you can see out the cock-pit window from your seat.

#16     5"  x  7"   acrylic on archival linen canvas                $60.00

Thursday, May 6, 2010

“Foothills in Cartago” - Torrialba, Cartago, Costa Rica

Tres amigos set off on April 28 to find adventure and celebrate their birthdays, all falling within a day of each other. We ended up in the hills of Cartago having a special lunch overlooking a working farm. This was a scene along the way.

#15     5"  x  7"   acrylic on archival Masonite board               $50

“Dos Mangos Dulces” - Costa Rica

It is May and mangoes have been in season for several weeks. They are sold on the streets, a half dozen for $3. Their heavy sweet scent wafted around my head while painting them. Every time I look at the painting I smell their fragrance.

#14     5"  x  7"   acrylic on archival Masonite board               $50

“Chapel en Pinares” - Barrio Pinares, Curridabat, Costa Rica

Walking through our barrio during Semana Santa, holy week, we came across this dramatic juxtaposition of the stark white chapel, dark green hills and brilliant blue sky. It reminded me of a Georgia O'Keefe painting and so compelled me to try and capture it.

#13     5"  x  7"   acrylic on archival Masonite board              SOLD

“Central Park, Escazu” - Escazu, Costa Rica

Every town has a church across from which is a soccer field, a school and a park. This is a detail of a very small chapel located in one of Escazu's parks.

#12     5"  x  7"   acrylic on archival Masonite board               $50

“Little Braids” - San Jose, Costa Rica

The colorful sign, Las Trencitas, which means little braids, caught my eye one sunny day. It is a clothing store for young children. 

#11     5"  x  7"   acrylic on archival Masonite board               $50

“Arenal Volcan II” - Provence of Alajuela, near ciudad La Fortuna, Costa Rica

The lava flow tends to occur on just one side of this volcano and the view of it at night can be spectacular. It is unnerving though to hear the pyroclastic flow of superheated air and rock moving as a fluid in the interior while you stand quietly on the rock base. 

#10     5"  x  7"   acrylic on archival Masonite board               SOLD

“Arenal Volcan I” - Provence of Alajuela, near ciudad La Fortuna, Costa Rica

This is one of Costa Rica's active volcanoes. The exiting steam and frequent cloud cover can make a clear view difficult. A climb to its base is an exciting trip as you arrive at a panoramic view of the country side.

#9     5"  x  7"   acrylic on archival Masonite board              SOLD

“Barrio Amon” - San Jose, Costa Rica

San Jose is made up of neighborhoods called barrios. This is an older neighborhood that has attracted artists. Down the street from this colorful building are several galleries.

#8     5"  x  7"   acrylic on archival Masonite board               $50

“Oskar” - Head Chef, Aya Sofia Restaurant, Barrio Escalante, San Jose, Costa Rica

Aya Sofia is one of our favorite restaurants. The menu is Turkish as is Oskar the head chef. It is located across from Intense, the school Bill first attended in his continuing quest to learn Spanish. 

#7     5"  x  7"   acrylic on archival Masonite board               $50

“Guard Chair III” - Curridabat, Costa Rica

The third in a series of four guard chairs.

#6     5"  x  7"   acrylic on archival Masonite board               $50

“Guard Chair II” - Curridabat, Costa Rica

                     The second in a series of four guard chairs.

#5     5"  x  7"   acrylic on archival Masonite board               SOLD
Purchase and information at:

“Guard Chair I” - Curridabat, Costa Rica

Throughout most residential neighborhoods can be found 24 hour guard service. The individuals are casual and friendly, watchful. In addition to a small hut they have a chair for comfort. I saw four lined up one day and they spoke to me. This is number one.

#4     5"  x  7"    acrylic on archival Masonite board               $50

“Cacao II”

The Cacao pod can be quite intense in color. It holds the precious cocoa bean, the source of chocolate and the food of love. The Cacao bean ripens in January and is sold at the local markets.

#3     5"  x  7"   acrylic on archival Masonite board               $50

“San Jose” - Located in a barrio [neighborhood/district] of San Jose, Costa Rica

The colorful buildings, the steep streets and the gushing water during rainy season all came together as an initial emotional response to life in Costa Rica.

#2     5"  x  7"    H2O oil  on archival Masonite board               $50

"Museo de Ninos" - Located in San Jose, Costa Rica

This museum, originally a prison, has recently been renovated. One half is a children's hands-on science center. The other half has five separate galleries showing fine art and photography. The inspiration for this painting was during January when I positioned myself to capture the light on the white walls and dramatic arches. The ball was added as a playful object because of the museum's name.

#1     5"  x  7"   H2O oil on archival Masonite board               $50